


Fishfinders for ice fishing

The ice fishing season is in full swing again in the northern part of the hemisphere and I get many questions about choosing a fish finder for ice fishing so I thought it was a good time to address the topic.

Which type?
There are two types of ice fishing fish finders. One is the traditional flasher and the other is the more modern fish finder you will find in most boating situations.

The Flasher
A simple depth and fish finding device that displays the bottom echo and depth as well as any other echos (hopefully fish) and the depth they are holding.

Modern fish finder
Depending on the model these type of fish finders show everything, including structure and fish. There have been special ice fishing models released fairly recently which are fantastic and can run all day on a battery.

Choosing the right one
The most important thing about choosing an ice fishing fishfinder is the ability to handle the cold conditions! After this the power of the unit should be the key consideration. If you need your fish finder to penetrate the ice you may need extra power than someone using a transducer in the water.

Other important considerations:
  • Battery Life - will it last all day or more?
  • Zoom Mode - can it zoom in on a section of the water column? How much can it zoom and is it adjustable?
  • Color or mono?
  • Can it give readings before you start drilling?
  • Warranty!
Hopefully this helps you make your decision when purchasing a depth finder for your ice fishing. If you have any questions feel free to email me or leave a comment.
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Great fishing holidays

Currently I am on the road and am using one of those fancy wireless internet usb connections to post this for you.

I have been on some great fishing holidays, The one where I caught my first tarpon was probably my favorite. My dream fishing destination is probably Fiji or Tonga but I would also like to fish New Zealand for the big trout that live in the many great rivers. I also would like to fish the Midway Islands (maybe I just want to fish everywhere).

Basically the point of this little post is that I am wondering what was your favorite fishing hoiday or dream destination? Please leave a comment.
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Bonefish fishing video

My last post was dedicated to one of the most sort after sportsfish so I thought I would continue in that vein and post a great little angling video of one of my favorite fish - the bonefish.

These great fish are a top angling target because of the fight they offer anglers as well as the great exotic tropical locations they are caught in. They are most often targeted on fly gear, but they can be caught with most of the popular methods of fishing. Bonefish form large schools over the flats where they feed and are targeted by anglers trying to spot the fish (called flats fishing). They are not often taken for food and although they are edible they are quite bony (hence the name).

The bonefish can reach 10kg and over 100 cm and feed mainly on small crustaceans and worms living in the sand. Like tarpon, they are also known to be able to breathe air from the surface of the water.

Enjoy the video
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Tarpon Facts

Tarpon are one of the ultimate fishing targets for many anglers and one I have been lucky enough to tangle with on one occasion. After landing that fish I understood why this great species is so highly prized! The fight is spectacular and aerobatics are the norm as the tarpon tries to throw the hook (quite often successfully!)

Here are some interesting facts about this species of fish:
  • There are actually two species of tarpon. However, the Indo pacific tarpon are much smaller than the more famous Atlantic tarpon.
  • The Atlantic tarpon can grow to up to 250 cm (98 in) and to a weight of 161kg (350 lbs).
  • When water becomes drained of oxygen the tarpon can breathe air from the surface.
  • Although they are rarely eaten tarpon are quite edible, but very bony. A permit is required in some places to keep them - stick to catch and release.
  • Despite the popularity of fly fishing for tarpon they can be caught with most conventional fishing methods.
  • The tarpon is the official state saltwater fish of Alabama
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How to spool linto onto a fishing reel

Yesterday I posted about you to cast a reel, but I git thinking that it isn't much use me explaining that process if the reel hasn't got any line on it yet! Spooling line onto the reel can be quite a frustrating thing for new anglers and sometimes simply attaching the line can seem all too hard.

For anyone new to this process (or for those of you looking for a better way) I have found a great video that shows the best methods for getting line onto your fishing reel without any twisting! It demonstrates the best knot to use when attaching line to the reel and the best method of winding the line onto the reel. The guy in the video also explains how much line to put on the reel, which is another thing that new anglers often get wrong.

I even learned a few new things myself and it is worth watching the short video.

Do you have something you would like to see on this blog? Please leave a comment.
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How to cast a spinning reel

This blog is now over 250 words and I am yet to write a post about this subject. I can't believe it slipped my mind!

The spinning reel, also called an eggbeater reel, is the most popular form of fishing reel available. Most new anglers start with these reels as they are one of the easiest to learn to cast and retrieve. They cast long distances and, with a bit of practice, quite a good level of accuracy. They can be used for almost all forms of fishing.

If you are looking to get your child into fishing this is the type of reel you should start with. Even though they are considered a great beginners reel they are equally popular with advanced anglers!

How to cast the spinning reel video
The following video is a good demonstration of how to cast a fishing reel of this type. Remember to practice in the back yard or at the local park first - without hooks!!

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Speed Clinch Knot

When you are out on the water or walking along a river it is sometimes an advantage to be able to tie quick knots. You might have lost a fish (and your hook/fly), gotten snagged or simply want to change hook size or fly. In many of these circumstances you will want to tie a knot quickly to get back into the fishing action. However, in the panic of a hot fishing session, quick knot tying can often lead to inferior knots.

The speed clinch knot was developed to prevent this problem as it is a fast knot to tie, yet remains a solid fishing knot for most situations. With practice this knot can be tied in less than 20 seconds! Here is an instructional video showing the process.

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Rigging a live shrimp (prawn) for bait fishing

I get many requests from people asking how to rig certain baits for bait fishing, but the most requested bait rigging lesson would have to be hooking live shrimp or prawns.

The reason for these requests is probably because live shrimp and prawns are probably one of the best and most versatile baits available to anglers. Where do you find the humans at the all you can eat seafood restaurant? Fighting over the fresh prawns! Fish are a bit the same and at times will ignore almost everything else you present to them. A live bait also kicks and flicks through the water attracting all the fish in the vicinity to investigate what is going on.

Now all you have to do is catch the little things, but that is another post for another day.

How to hook a live shrimp / prawn?
I could tell you, but it is probably better if I show you. This great little video I found on youtube shows the process of hooking prawns and shrimp very clearly.

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The top five reasons I go fishing

This blog now hosts over 250 posts and I thought it was about time I shared some of my favorite things about this great sport. So here it is:
  1. Relaxation - Life is stressful these days and it is only getting worse. Fishing is my ultimate relaxation tool. It is sort of hard to stress out sitting on a lake, river, estuary or ocean with nature all around (apart from losing that fish of a lifetime of course!). It is also hard to think about what I need to do tomorrow, which makes this reason number 1!
  2. Fun - Lets face it fishing can be frustrating, but that is half the reason we keep returning to it. So the saying goes if fishing was easier more people would take up golf! However, fishing is great fun too!
  3. Family and friends - My old man is my best fishing partner and this has brought us closer together, even though not much is said out loud. There is something about sitting in a boat with someone for a long time. Fishing also helps you make great lifelong friends with the same passion!
  4. Excitement - I was once watching a great fishing show one day and the host was hooked up to an obvious monster. He turned to his fishing partner and said "When this no longer gets me excited I will know that I am dead." That says it all really.
  5. Nature - For people that cannot understand my fishing addiction this is the reason I use to explain to them why I go fishing. I could write a book about the amazing things I have seen in nature while fishing. A pod of dolphins dancing right around the boat, turtles surfacing next to the boat and scaring the hell out of me with that sound they make, manta rays flapping water into the boat, monster schools of pelagic fish on a feeding frenzy and birds feeding on the scraps and that is just to name a few. These memories are etched in my mind forever and when I am too old to get into the boat any more will be some of my fondest memories!
Have your own top reasons for going fishing? Please leave a comment.
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Redfish fishing video

Redfish (also called red drum or channel bass) are a favorite with anglers from from Massachusetts to Florida in the USA. These fish fight hard, grow big and respond well to a variety of angling techniques. They are often caught on lures and flies, but anglers using bait also account for their fair share of fish.

They are a popular fish to target in "no motor zones" as these areas are often home to the largest fish. In these locations a canoe, kayak or small boat with oars/pole can be used to access these great fishing locations. While these fish can be found in relatively deep water they are most often targeted by anglers in fairly shallow water where they put up a great fight!

I hope you enjoy the video!

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How to chum (berley)

Chum (or berley where I come from) is any fish material added to the water column to attract fish/sharks to your baits (in some cases lures or fly's). Most people associate chum with monster sharks, but it can be used for all fish species in one form or another.

Popular chumming substances include:
  • old fish frames
  • tuna/fish oil
  • chook pellets (chicken feed)
  • dry cat food
  • seafood leftovers/scraps (prawn or shrimp shells are popular)
  • bread
Many anglers have a secret chum mix that is comprised of a variety of these substances blended together with fish oils. Others just freeze everything, put everything in a pot and mash it together and let it thaw out. You can also purchase pre-packaged dry chum pellets from most tackle stores which is a very convenient alternative.

How to chum properly?
There is an old saying - "a little often," which can be applied to chumming. You can throw a little bit out the back of the boat at regular intervals or place it in a slow release pot. It can take a while to work, but it is important when you start chumming to keep the trail going even when the fish start biting! If you are fishing deep water or in large currents surface berley becomes less effective and a deep water berley pot can be used to get the chum to the bottom.
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Unhooking a fish

Yesterday I wrote about unhooking a fishing hook from your hand so I thought I would continue the trend today and talk about unhooking a fish. I have also previously written an article on releasing fish, which can be found at my previous post catch and release.

Unhooking fish can be a daunting task for new anglers. I actually know a few people who were put off fishing because of this alone! Get yourself a good landing net (knotless mesh if possible for the fishes protection), a set of long nosed and needle nosed pliers and a good quality garden glove.
  1. Firstly the most important part of this process is not injuring the fish or yourself. Stay away from any spines or sharp gills and remember than some fish have big teeth! Always support a large fish and treat it gently.
  2. Use the glove (wet it first) to hold the fish and use the pliers to push the hook back through the hole it originally created. 9 times out of ten the hook will pop out and the fish can be released/put on ice.
  3. If the fish has swallowed the hook deep, but you still want to release the fish cut the line off as close to the hook as possible and the hook will rust and come free in a few days not harming the fish. Never try to extract a hook from deep within a fish as you could harm the internals and injure the fish.
These two videos show the process and equipment quite well and even though they are based in Britain the same basic equipment and techniques apply around the world.

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Removing a fish hook from your hand (or body!)

Firstly I must apologize because this blog has been completely untouched for about a month now after a 90% drop in visitors overnight which I have been trying to solve for a while. Today the search numbers are back up a little so hopefully things are going in the right direction (fingers crossed). Enough of that boring stuff though!

As an angler you have probably had a hook stuck somewhere in you at some point during your adventures. Many anglers visit the hospital to get the hook removed, but sometimes our fishing adventures take us far from the hospital and we need to remove the hook ourselves! This little technique is one every angler should know, but I am unsure if sticking the hook in your arm to practice (or demonstrate on video) is a great idea. I advise people to always keep a pair of these clamps in your tackle box, but this method can also be used with string or fishing line to pull on the hook.

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How not to launch your boat

Boat launching can be a slightly stressful situation at times. Often you are faced with impatient anglers who feel that you holding them up is going to cost them a fish of a lifetime. If you have to share the ramp with other water users, such as jet skis, this situation can become even more stressful.

I am a proponent of making sure that you are ready to launch when you pull up to the ramp. I can't stand people who drive up to the top of the ramp and begin to get the boat ready - that is what the preparation area is for! I have seen many anglers load the boat up for longer than ten minutes while others wait behind them and it never ends well. Fortunately I am a patient person, but others aren't always this way.

Enough of the serious talk though. While trolling around youtube I came across this slightly disturbing video of a failed launch of a jet ski. It would have been nice to see more people come to the rescue, but I guess there isn't much that can be done - I hope that wasn't salt water!

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Boating Knots: Zeppelin Bend

Have you ever been out on the water and needed a rope of a certain length of rope only to have 2 short lengths of rope in the boat. I know that I have been in this situation and have obviously needed to join the ropes to make the required distance. I am no rope knot expert, in fact I am known for tying fairly poor knots, but even I use this knot!

One of the best knots for this task is the Zeppelin Bend, which can be used to attach two lengths of rope with similar diameters. It is easy to tie and quick to learn - the following video shows the process of tying the Zeppelin Bend very well.

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Best fishing songs

Fishing is a subject that much has been written about over the years, but there have also been some fantastic fishing songs written as well. My personal favorites would have to be take me to the river (not technically fishing I guess) and fishin' blues, but there are many great ones out there.

Do you have a favorite fishing song or do you have a tune you like to listen to when you are fishing. Please leave a comment.
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How to prepare a crab for the table

Despite the fact that most people just love eating crab many people don't really know the first place to start when cleaning one! The process can be made as simple or as complex as you like and many people I know simply boil the crab and break it apart to eat it. Others use a machete to cut the crab in half and remove all the innards before cooking as they believe it makes the crabs even tastier.

This short video will show you one of the best ways to clean a crab and with careful attention you can easily learn this method!

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Basic Fly Casting

Learning to fly cast can be a difficult experience. I know of at least 3 anglers that spent thousands of dollars on fly equipment only to have it sitting in the back of their garage after a failed learning experience. Apart from buying their gear off them the only help I could give them was get on the Internet watch some videos about fly casting technique and start again (for the record none of them listened).

I must admit I learn best by watching other people, which makes me pretty lucky I guess. With the Internet I can watch how to tie a knot, cast a fly, bait a hook etc. and this makes learning new things very easy.

The following is the video I used to help me learn the basic fly casting technique. Remember that youtube has hundreds of videos like this so take a look through, have a practice and find a technique that works for you.

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Strangest fishing baits

A while ago I was looking around my favorite fishing forum and I found a thread dedicated to strange fishing bait people had used (or seen used). I was quite surprised by the number of non traditional baits that people have tried and just how successful they were.

I know in England it is normal to use Luncheon Meat (Tinned Ham) for carp and catfish, in some parts of Australia anglers regularly use chicken for bream and some Americans use only their hands to catch catfish - see catfish noodling!

I have also heard of potato, red meat and cheese being used as baits to varying degrees of success (although the health problems associated with fish and cheese should be considered). There was even a story in my local paper where two Greek anglers were pouring ouzo on their baits with extraordinary results.

What I want to know is have you ever tried a weird fishing bait and if so what were your results? Please leave a comment!
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A bad days fishing is still a bad day

I must still be in a bit of a tizz over my blog disappearing from google and receiving very few visitors (sorry about that).

Sometimes it feels like all the bad days that you have avoided catch up with you all at once. I am sure you know what I am talking about. On these days it feels like you could win the lottery, but you would lose the ticket or maybe eat at the nicest restaurant only to be the only one that ordered the oysters and get food poisoning.

Sometimes these bad days even spread over to your fishing experiences. You might leave the bungs (plugs) out of the boat (guilty), forget the bait (guilty), forget to tie the anchor down to the boat (not guilty) or even worse.

This video shows what can happen when that "even worse" occurs. This video is entitled "how to ruin a Saturday" and just makes me want to cry for the guy!

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The perils of being a fishing blogger (attention google)

Before I start this post I have to say this - don't get me wrong I love blogging for all my readers out there. This isn't a rant about you!

Sometimes working with the Internet can be frustrating. Over the past 3 days my blog has all but disappeared from google causing my visitors to drop back to the loyal few readers (thanks for sticking with me!) from almost 300 average visits daily. I can't for the life of me work out what is going on because I don't use shady tactics to promote the site nor do I use/steal content produced by other people (I write all this stuff myself).

Hopefully things will get back to normal soon because my confidence and enjoyment have taken a bit of a hit and I am looking for some good news!

If anyone is experiencing the same thing or has some advice please leave a comment.

Thanks for putting up with my rant. I promise I will get back to the fishing tomorrow.
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Tuna fish cakes (Gluten and Dairy Free Fish Recipe)

My Mum suffers from coeliac disease, which is an auto immune disease caused by gluten that effects the stomach. The means that sufferers cannot eat gluten (wheat, rye, oats and barley) because the stomach reacts badly to it and begins to stop digesting food properly (in basic terms). It is estimated to effect 1% of the western world suffers from the disease and is often undiagnosed (or misdiagnosed) until adult life when symptoms such as weight loss, stomach pain and fatigue occur. It might sound like a problem, but with an adjusted diet most coeliac sufferers improve very quickly.

Gluten Free Tuna Fish Cakes
This recipe is dedicated to all the coeliac fish lovers out there, but anyone can enjoy this recipe because it tastes so good! It is my go to meal as it is very easy to prepare and the ingredients are almost always in the fridge or cupboard!

For this recipe you will need:
3 Large Potatoes
1 Large Tin of Tuna
Spring Onion
1/2 Cup of cornflour
1 Egg

The following video shows the preparation process quite clearly. Enjoy!

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How To Roll Cast - Fly Fishing (with video)

Fly fishing is a great way to spend a day - if you know what you are doing, but if you are new to the sport it can be almost as frustrating as golf. For new fly fishing anglers casting is probably the most difficult aspect of the sport to learn. Fortunately with the advent of the Internet learning good casting techniques is as easy as watching a few videos and trying the techniques for yourself!

The roll cast is used when obstacles, such as trees, rocks or other anglers, block the angler from making a normal back cast. This situation arises quite frequently (especially on smaller rivers) and the roll cast is a must for all fly anglers to learn.

How to perform a roll cast
Fortunately the roll cast is not as advanced as many new anglers believe. Actually a roll cast is simply an overhand cast with different timing! This video shows the technique for the roll cast in good detail and is very easy to follow. After watching this video I suggest heading down to your local park to practice this technique.

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Spider Hitch - Fishing Knots

The spider hitch is a knot similar to the bimini twist. It creates a double in the line, which is easier to handle and tie. This also allows for stronger knots because a double line is stronger than a single strand of line when tied.

This is a very popular knot with big game anglers as it creates a very good shock absorber and has very similar attributes to the very popular bimini twist, but it is much easier and faster to tie. It is suitable for lines up to 15kg.

Personally I would always tie a bimini twist when I had plenty of time to get it right, but I have tied the spider hitch when rushed and it has performed quite well.

The reports I have read suggest it performs well for small sportsfish, but don't expect it to hold up with bigger game fish. For them you really should try to learn the bimini twist!

This video shows the process of tying a spider hitch very clearly - thanks to the creator of it!

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Boat Sinks - caught on video

Watching your boat sink must be up there with the worst things that can happen to an boater. In my many years of owning a boat I have only ever once been afraid that it was going to happen to me.

We had taken a couple of older friends out fishing in the usual calm weather we experience, but for some reason on this day the wind decided to spring up quickly from an unusual direction. We made it back to the ramp, but the waves were considerable and we quickly found ourselves washed onto the ramp with water coming over the back and no way to move the boat off the ramp. As I watched the water continue to flood the boat (it was actually so full that it was coming back out) I thought that this was the end of the boat! Fortunately a couple of young lads helped us out and managed to muscle the boat up the ramp where it was drained and put onto the trailer.

This video shows the sad end to a great boat. I haven't been able to find much info about what happened, but the whatever happened to the pink mullet it wasn't good! This is a very useful demonstration of the way smallish trailer boats sink and a must watch for anyone who wants to know.

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How to make batter - fish recipe

After my post about how to make beer batter I got lots of requests for a plain and simple normal batter recipe. This recipe I have found for a batter mix is very simple and can be used for almost anything that you want to deep fry such as fish, pancakes or Yorkshire pudding.

For this recipe you will need:
  • 2 Eggs
  • 100g (4oz) Flour
  • 300ml (1.25 cups) Milk
  • A pinch of Salt
  1. You then add these ingredients into a food processor (mixer) and mix for 2 minutes (I told you it was easy! If you don't have a food mixer then you can beat the flour and milk together and then whisk in the eggs and salt.
  2. Let it stand in the fridge for 30 minutes and you are done!

If it still seems hard (or you don't like reading) here is a video explaining the same thing that I just wrote - enjoy!

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Catching a sea snake while fishing (with video)

During our most recent fishing trip my wife caught a sea snake (which is the inspiration for this post). Fortunately for us is wriggled its way off the hook and we didn't have to debate who was going to take it off the hook for too long (for the record I was volunteered for the task!) I have previously encountered a sea snake many years before that also released itself - so I have been lucky!

Catching a sea snake is one of those things that you don't want happening to you when you are fishing in Australia - ever! The sea snakes that frequent our waters are the most venomous snakes in the world and one bite can kill a grown man in 10 minutes! I don't know about you, but I fish more than 10 minutes away from my local hospital!

This short video I have found is quite interesting. A British tourist fishing in Australian waters caught a cod (called grouper elsewhere) that had actually eaten a sea snake, and was still alive. I catch quite a few cod and they have the reputation of eating almost anything and I think a sea snake fits right into that category! Enjoy

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Double Centauri Knot - Fishing Knots

This knot is also called the double figure of eight knot

The Double Centauri Knot is an excellent knot for joining two lines that are similar in diameter (thickness). It is an easy knot to learn and is sufficiently strong for most applications because it creates less wear and friction than other knots. It is reported to retain 85-95% of the breaking strain of the line.

The following video shows the process very clearly and is easy to follow.

In this video the instructor is using the Double Centauri Knot to join a leader to a bimini twist, which is one of the most popular methods of attaching a leader to the main line. The bimini twist is an advanced knot, but one every keen angler should become familiar with. You can find a demonstration of the knot at my post - how to tie a bimini twist.
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Biggest Carp Ever Caught (with video)

If you are a regular reader of this blog you will know that carp are not my favorite fish in the world. Don't get me wrong they are a great angling target in their rightful place, but they actually illegal to catch and release in my country (Australia) and must be disposed of away from the water because of the environmental impact.

There is heaps of (mis)information about the biggest carp ever caught, but it seems to me the world record carp was caught by Graham Slaughter (what a great name!!) of Britain. His carp weighed in at a whopping 88.6lbs and is believed to be the only carp caught over 40 kilos in the world. To put that into perspective the women Chinese Olympic divers weigh in at around 37 kilos!

Here is a picture of the world record fish (click to enlarge)

It is an amazing fish and I have never seen anything like it. It looks like it has been seriously pigging out on anglers baits for years and years without doing any exercise!

Here is a video of the previous world record carp, which weighed in at 87lb 2oz and although it isn't 40kg it is still a great fish. The video is well worth a watch if you like giant carp!

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How to fish a FAD

What is a FAD?
FAD's are classified as anything that attracts or aggregates fish, which gives rise to the term FAD (fish aggregation device or fish attracting device). They have been around for thousands of years and reports of anglers using FAD's date back to 200 BC. Mediterranean fishermen tied reeds together and floated them to attract mahi mahi and islanders of the Pacific and Indian oceans used rafts and palm leaves to attract tuna and other tropical fish.

In modern times Hawaii was the place the modern FAD's gained popularity and now many governments and fishing organizations in different countries have sunk large objects with special floats and buoys attached to attract fish.

Which fish are attracted?
In tropical waters baitfish are the first attracted and this brings in the medium predators like mahi mahi, tuna and other tropical fish. These species, in turn, attract big predators like marlin and sailfish.

How to fish the FAD's
You would think with all the great fish these attracting devices bring that the fishing would be easy, but it still takes careful preparation to catch the fish. Many anglers troll a spread of lures around the FAD, which can be a very successful method. Most lures types will catch fish. Other anglers like to cast lures (such as metal slices and surface lures) towards the FAD and crank the lure back to the boat quickly. Bait fishing can also be good around the FAD's and live bait caught in the area is usually the preferred option.

It is important to remember that fish can hold off the FAD slightly and it is not necessary (or polite) to park your boat right on top of the FAD!
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Reef Fishing Video - Insane Action in Australia

This video is definitely amateur and it's noisy, but this fishing video shows some of the most insane reef fishing action that has ever been captured. It sounds a bit like my boat when the fish go off - I am known for being a little bit noisy myself (OK a lot noisy!) Congrats to the boys on the boat - it looks like so much fun! Apparently many fish were released, which is also great to hear.

This video was filmed on the great barrier reef and is fairly typical of the reef fishing available on the largest reef in the world. It really is a great fishing destination and all serious anglers should get there at least once in their lives. There are many fishing options available including everything from the ever popular reef fishing to serious sport fishing for grandeur marlin!

I really enjoy reef fishing, probably because the fish hold all the cards early in the fight and because you never know what you are going to pull up. The reef is also home to some of the best eating fish available! I hope you enjoy this great little video.

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Fishing at the olympics

It is safe to say the most of the world is in Olympics mode (I have even noticed a drop in visitor numbers to this site!) So while the blog is a little deserted I thought I would put up my arguments for and against about fishing being included as an Olympic sport!

  • Most countries participate in the sport of fishing in some form.
  • It is a traditional and ancient sport.
  • Each Olympics could have a different target species.
  • It would raise awareness of angling and what anglers do to care for the environment.
  • It would encourage the continued growth of catch and release fishing.
  • Animal rights activists would be against it.
  • It doesn't make for great TV (this is debatable I guess).
  • Transporting all the necessary equipment to the Olympic country could be a chore (although it can't be much harder than transporting a horse or a drunk athlete!)
  • It isn't a traditional Olympic sport.

Hopefully the IOC is listening/reading to my thoughts and we will see fishing at the Olympics one day!

Of course this is all just a bit of fun, but feel free to tell me what you think - please leave a comment.
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Tensioning Knot - Boating Knots

The tensioning knot is less well known than many other popular marine knots, but it should be one that every keen boater learns and knows. This knot can be very useful for many different things and has saved countless people from sticky or dangerous situations because it is fast to tie and very reliable for when tentioning is required.

This knot can also be a fast alternative to the truckers knot for when speed is needed or the rope is too short. This knot can be used for anything from tying down the boat on the trailer to fast locking off the rope on a boat where tensioning is needed.

I found a great little video showing the process for tying this knot, which is easy to follow and should have you tying like a professional in no time!

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Best Tides For Fishing

Which are the best tides for fishing?

I get asked this question a lot. Maybe more than seven times a week and I have a pretty standard answer - "that is a loaded question." If the person asking seems really serious I then go on to explain a few things that just might help them discover the best times for fishing.

What are tides
Tides are the movement of water (rise and fall) in the ocean caused by the tidal forces of the moon and sun acting on the oceans. Tides can move a lot (spring tides) or very little (neap tides) and in most parts of the world there are 2 low and 2 high tides each day. You don't need to understand the real specifics of it, but it helps to know that tides effect fish in various direct and indirect ways:
  • Tidal current pushes food into different areas
  • Tidal current can make it easier or more difficult for fish to swim/move into new areas.
  • Tidal current creates new channels and gutters for fish to stalk their prey
  • High tide exposes fish to new areas with potential food sources (eg. rock pools)
What tides are best for fishing
I am going to be a little vague here, but it really depends on what you are fishing for. Many anglers suggest the 2 hours before and after the high tide and other suggest the opposite. Some anglers suggest fishing big tidal movements (no run no fun - as the saying goes) and others prefer the littlest of tide movements.

Be sure to ask other anglers in your area for their advice, but don't be afraid to experiment yourself. If you do this it is a good idea to keep a fishing diary to look back over and work out the best tides that have been successful for your particular target species.

After keeping a dairy for years I now live by this motto - the best time to go fishing is when you have time to go fishing!
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Connecting braid to monofilament - Fishing Knots

One of the most common questions I get asked is how to connect the braid main line to a monofilament (or even fluorocarbon) leader material. I usually respond with a double uni knot (uni to uni knot) which is suitable for most fishing situations, but if they are truly serious about fishing they should learn the bimini twist knot coupled together with a lesser known knot called the bristol knot. The reason the bimini twist is recommended is that is created a loop or doubled line, which gives tremendous strength to the connection.

To make it easier for all of you I found a great video demonstration which shows one of the best methods for attaching braid to a monofilament leader. In this method the instructor the video uses a bimini twist and a reverse albright (also called a worm knot), which provides a strong, worry free connection.

These knots are slightly more advanced and can seem very complicated, but it is certainly worth the trouble and time taken to learn these fishing knots.

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Free Downloadable Fishing Games Guide

Fishing games can be a popular way of passing the time when the weather turns bad, you can't get on the water or you just want something to do in your free time at work - sorry boss! I myself have even been known to play fishing games on the odd (often) occasion!

There are many online fishing games that can be played directly through your web browser (generally flash games) or downloaded onto your computer and installed (like regular programs). There are advantages and disadvantages to both types of games such as availability, quality of the games, accessibility and more.

Online fishing games
Generally online flash games are simple games that are fun for a short time. They can be played with a mouse and are usually defined by their simple game play. However, these quick, easy games can be quite fun and addictive and are well worth a look. Another great advantage of online fishing games is that there are many available and they are easy to find with a quick web search. While doing the research of this post I found heaps of these games and some are really fun - and best of all free!

Downloadable Fishing Games
There are many downloadable fishing games available although there are less of these than online games. These games tend to be of better quality than the other variety, but most of them are only available as free trials with limited features (called demos) before you are asked to pay. However, there are some great free fishing games worth a look such as big mouth bass 3D and others.
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Cleat Hitch - Boating Knots (with video)

The Cleat Hitch is an essential knot for all boaters to learn. This knot is used to attach your boat to the dock and if you want the boat to stay in place (which is pretty important when you think about it!) the cleat hitch is the knot you will want to use. It is strong, easy to tie, and even more importantly, easy to untie for when you want to leave the dock. Most, if not all, boaters will use this knot and if you are new to the boating scene make sure you have a practice run or two before leaving the dock.

Many boaters also use the cleat hitch to attach the anchor rope to the cleat on the boat, but personally I feel that there are better knots for this situation.

The video gives a very good demonstration on this important boating knot and is quite easy to follow.

I am planning on adding more boating knots in the future and if you found this post useful or want to make a suggestion please leave a comment.
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Amazon Piranha Fishing - Video

Piranha are, arguably, one of the most well known fish in the world. There is such mystery and folklaw attached to these fish they probably have more false stories circulating about them than true stories. I am sure you have heard stories of these man eating fish tearing shreds off swimmers and overtured ferries with packs of piranhas eating everyone that doesn't get out of the water fast enough. These stories make good Hollywood movies, but they are far from the truth as they are generally non violent.

There are about about 33 species of piranha (no one really knows exactly) and most make for very good fishing and eating. They respond aggressively to lures and flies and will attack a bait hard. In the following video the anglers use meat for bait and the piranha just love it. I love the old school fishing rods (or trees should I say?). It is well worth a watch.

This video also shows how to cook, clean and fillet a piranha which might be useful for someone I guess - enjoy.

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Knotless Knot - Hair rig (carp fishing knots)

Fishing knot posts probably make up the highest percentage of this blog - and there is a very good reason for that. Tying good knots can make the difference between landing or losing that fish of a lifetime. Ever since I lost a huge Spanish mackerel to a dodgy knot I have been on a crusade to help others with their knot tying.

The knotless knot (also called the hair rig because it is more of a rig than a knot) is very popular with carp anglers, but many other types of anglers are starting to see the benefit of this knot in other forms of fishing. I have used it fishing for many freshwater fish and it also works in the saltwater equally as well. It is easy to tie with a bit of practice and can be tied with most types and diameters of line such as braid, fluorocarbon and monofilament.

If you are a carp angler then this knot is one that you should have in your arsenal, but don't discount it even if you never plan on catching a carp as it is more versatile than people realize.

The following video shows how to tie a hair rig.

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Wii nunchuck controls fishing canoe

Reading one of my favorite tech blogs today (yes I am a geek) I came across a crazy video of a guy who has modified his kayak with two electric motors and given himself the ability to control it with a wii nunchuck. For those that don't know, a Wii is the latest video game console from Nintendo and the nunchuck is the little thing that fits in your hand with a control stick (think joystick) attached.

It is equipped with 2 golf cart batteries and can travel at 4 miles an hour top speed. It is almost a boat rather than a canoe and the maneuverability is absolutely amazing! This video is well worth a watch just to marvel at the engineering, but the trailer they have built for it is also very cool! The enginuity of some people is really quite amazing!

I hope you enjoy the video and if you have something you want to say about it please leave a comment!

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History of Fishing Rods

In the last few decades fishing rods have undergone a transformation from the heavy beasts they once were to light finesse rods we now take for granted. While heavy rods still have their place most anglers are switching to light graphite models.

The earliest fishing rods can be dated back to ancient Egypt, China, Greece, Rome and medieval England (they were called angles which is where we get the word angling and angler). The first accepted pictures of angling with a rod date back to 2000 BC from Egypt. These early fishing rods were made of wood, bone or stone. The simplest rods were made out of a tree branch.

By about 800 BC fishing with a rod, line and hook was a common practice and is well recorded. The rods were made of different types of wood that was tied or bound together. The line was made from horsehair or finely woven flax. There is even evidence that a form of lead sinker was used at around this time. This is also around the time that fly fishing was developed after anglers learned that certain fish would eat flies off the surface of the water.

Throughout the years fishing rods changed very little until the 17th century when a wire loop was added to the tip allowing the line to be let out and back in very easily. By the end of the 18th century rods with guides along the length of the rod were common and this lead to the invention of the fishing reel.

In the 20th century rods underwent their most important transformation when the commonly used bamboo was replaced by fiberglass and, the lighter, carbon fiber.
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Wahoo Recipes

Wahoo Fish Recipe

You can find the other recipes for wahoo at my previous post saltwater fish recipes

The wahoo is well renowned as one of the fastest, if not the fastest, fish in the ocean. However, it is also well known for its superb eating qualities and for this very reason is a very popular fish with tropical water anglers. The flesh is suitable for many different types of recipes and is also popular as sushi with many anglers keeping a bottle of wasabi sauce on the boat for the ultimate sushi experience.

This recipe is a Hawaiian dish, which works really well for a tropical fish like the wahoo.
For this dish you will need:
  • Wahoo fillets (or steaks)
  • Pineapple
  • Onion
  • Red Bell Pepper
  • Ginger
  • Soy Sauce
To prepare this dish:
  • Simply cut up the pineapple and onion into rings and the bell pepper into flat peices ready for grilling.
  • Grill the ingredients on the BBQ for about 10 minutes
  • Peel the bell peppers and cut the ingredients into smaller peices
  • Add the fish to the ingredients with some soy sauce and leave to marinate
  • Cook the fish on the grill until ready
  • Heat the other ingredients to reduce the marinade
  • Plate the fish and pour the marinade over the top of the fish
For video instructions you can follow the link to youtube - Wahoo Recipe
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Giant Catfish - Fishing Video

The catfish we get here in Australia can get big, but nothing like the sizes of the giant catfish caught in other locations around the world. Our catfish even have poisonous spines that can kill you which means that Australians like catching catfish about as much as catching a cold. However, since writing this blog, I have come to realize that catfish are a prized catch in certain parts of the world and if you are in any doubt as to why then just watch the fight from the catfish in the video!

I have written about catfish before such as the biggest catfish ever caught, catfish noodling video and night fishing for catfish as well as the strange story of the catfish that swallowed the basketball. As this is my fifth catfish post I decided to try and find a really interesting video of a giant catfish to mark the occasion. This video of a guy catching an awesome giant catfish and is well worth a watch. This huge fish puts up a strong fight (take a look at the bend in that rod) and it was really great to see it released after capture. Enjoy!

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Grinner Knot - Fishing Knots

The grinner knot is not a knot I am very familiar with although I use variations of this knot for attaching braided lines to a swivel. It is reputedly one of the best ways to attach all the different line types (monofilament, fluorocarbon and braid) to a swivel or hook and in some cases lures. This makes it a very versatile knot and coupled with the knot strength (which is very high) the knot is certainly one all anglers should have in their arsenal.

This knot is fairly easy to tie and after a couple of practice knots it became quite easy to tie quickly. I also found that the knot was surprisingly strong as when I got snagged it was very difficult to break! The knot is one of the most secure fishing knots I have used and it just does not slip. It is certainly worth a try.

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Healthy Fish Recipe

In these days of fast food, instant meals and processed foods it is hard to know which foods are good for us. Luckily most anglers realize that fish is one of the best foods you can eat as it is high in good oils (omega 3 and 6), protein and is low in bad saturated fats. There are suggestions that eating fish can lead to a healthier heart and brain function!!

One of the most popular ways of eating fish is deep fried, but this cooking method often uses saturated fats and reduces the health benefits of the fish. Fortunately there are many great healthy fish recipes which provide all of the benefits of eating fish without losing that great taste.

The following video shows one of the best methods of cooking fish for your health and is a personal favorite of mine.

For this recipe you will need:
  • Canola Oil
  • Cumin
  • Lemon Pepper
  • Paprika
  • Thyme
  • Salt
  • Fish Fillets
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Finding cool fishing games

When the weather turns poor, its raining (hailing and snowing included), the boat is in the shop or other commitments keep you away from the water, fishing games can be a great way to pass the time. Fortunately the fishing game enthusiast is blessed with a number of games to choose from these days on a variety of platforms. The Playstation, Nintendo Wii and Xbox all have some fantastic fishing games that can be great fun to play. However, for choice and variety you cannot really go past the humble PC when looking for a fun fishing game.

I was always a fan of the bassmasters classic fishing games and I have spent countless hours wiling away the windy days with these games. There are also some great free options available and a quick search of google can turn up some real gems that are far too addictive for their own good. Most of the games are centered around bass fishing, but there have been other ones produced catering for saltwater sportfishing species like marlin and sailfish.

While they can't substitute for a real days fishing, fishing games can be a lot of fun! If you have a favotire you would like to tell me (an others) about please leave a comment.
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Black Drum Fishing Video

The black drum is very similar to one of the famous fish we catch where I come from (Australia for the new readers out there) so I have a bit of a connection with these great fish. They fight hard, grow big and taste great (in the smaller sizes) so it is little wonder they have a small, but dedicated following.

The black drum gets its name from the weird sound it can produce and from its black color (obviously). They are capable of producing tones to 501 khz as a mating call.

World record black drum
The biggest black drum ever caught was recorded at a whopping 113lbs (51kg for the metric folk out there). I can only imagine the fight that a fish that big would produce!

Black drum fishing video
This is certainly an amateur video and it is quite short, but it certainly captures the charm of these wonderful fish. Enjoy.

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Baked cod fish recipes

When it comes to cooking I have a simple motto that goes something like this - "the simpler the recipe the less mistakes I can make." Fortunately when cooking fish there are hundreds of simple recipes that even I can't get wrong. Fish also has the added benefit of being very quick to cook and if you add to that the health benefits of fish oils, protein and low saturated fat content it makes sense why so many people are making the switch for traditional red meats.

Simple baked cod recipe
This recipe follows all of my rules. It is simple, quick to make and absolutely delicious. For this recipe you will need:
  • Cod (or other fish) fillet
  • Diced tomatoes
  • Chopped Leaks
  • Bell Pepper (green)
  • Minced Garlic
  • Cooking Spray
  • Salt and Pepper
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Parmesan Cheese
  • Crushed potato chips
  • Paprika
  • Cayenne
  • Melted Butter
The following video will show the process for this fish recipe and is only 2 minutes long. Enjoy

If you do try this recipe feel free to leave me a comment.
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Funny fishing quotes

I thought I would take a break from the usual "instructional" type posts and try something a little bit different and hopefully fun! Enjoy these funny fishing quotes:

"The fishing was good; it was the catching that was bad." - A.K. Best

"My Biggest worry is that when I'm dead and gone, my wife will sell my fishing gear for what I said I paid for it." - Koos Brandt

"Today she met me at the door, said I would have to choose, if I picked that fishing pole today, she'd be packing all her things and she'd be gone by noon....well I'm gonna miss her!" - Brad Paisley

"Fly fishermen are born honest, but they get over it." - Ed Zern

"Three-fourths of the Earth's surface is water, and one-fourth is land. It is quite clear that the good Lord intended us to spend triple the amount of time fishing as taking care of the lawn." - Chuck Clark

There's a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot. - Steven Wright

"Catch and Release fishing is a lot like golf. You don't have to eat the ball to have a good time." - Anon

"I knew my tippet was too big when the willow tree I'd hooked on my back cast came flying over my head." - Jimmy D Moore

"I don't exaggerate... I just remember BIG!" - Anon

"The two happiest days in a boat owner's life are the day he buys the boat and the day he sells it." -
Avery Wiseman

* I have tried to attribute these quotes to the correct author. Any corrections are needed please leave a comment
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How to catch trout

Trout fishing was one of my favorite pastimes until I made the move to tropical Australia where the only trout fishing available is coral trout on the tropical saltwater reefs (not that I am complaining though!)

There are a few species of trout that are caught recreationally, but the most important recreational trout species would be the rainbow and brown trout. Both species grow big, fight hard and take flies, which makes fly fishing the most popular form of targeting these magnificent fish.

Fly fishing for trout
There is much written on the subject of fly fishing for trout so I wont go much further into the area. Basically fly fishing for trout has been around almost as long as the trout itself and is not only a traditional method of catching these fish, but can be great fun too! The basic premise of fly fishing is to present a recreation of the natural food the trout are eating in fly form to entice them to bite.

Other forms of trout fishing
While dedicated fly anglers may find this sacrilegious, there are many other ways to catch trout and some can even be more successful than fly fishing at times. Many anglers use natural baits to catch trout (either under a float or on the bottom) and there is a growing number of anglers using soft rubber baits and hard body lures.

Whichever method you decide to use the pursuit of these wonderful fish will take you to some of the best locations in the world with the awesome scenery you are unlikely to forget!
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Removing fishing line from your reel

As I was getting the boat ready for tomorrows fishing trip with my old man I spent quite a bit of time replacing old line on one of our many rods. Removing fishing line from the reel is one of my least favorite activities. As I was doing it today I spent some time thinking that there must be a better way and when I got back to my place decided to do a google search. I found a great little video of a product that fits into your drill and removes the old line in seconds.

It looks like it would be fairly easy to make something similar for yourself with an old bait casting reel and a drill attachment. I know that there are some fancy electronic line removers that tackle shops use, but this method would be cheap, fairly easy to make and be very easy to use.

If you do watch the video and/or have any grand ideas feel free to drop me a comment and tell me all about it.

(sorry for the poor video quality)
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Heli Fishing (Helicopter Fishing)

Traditionally heli fishing is about using a helicopter to get to remote locations that not many people fish. People who have undertaken this type of fishing tell stories of some of the best fishing and remote locations on the planet. Some heli fishing operations are set up exclusively for fishing, but many anglers simply hire a helicopter and pilot for the day. The second option will only work if you know exactly where you want to fish as only the specialist heli fishing operations will take you to the hot spots they have already found.

Advantages of helicopter fishing
  • Fish almost untouched locations.
  • Get to remote locations in comfort.
  • Superb views from the helicopter.
Disadvantages of helicopter fishing
  • Cost - it can be very expensive (get a group of mates together and split the cost!).
  • Generally heli fishing charters are shorter than a mothership based charter.
If cost is really a problem for you then you should check out this video below. It is heli fishing with a difference and is absolutely hilarious! A must watch video!

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Loop Knot (Anglers Loop) - Fishing Knots

My wife decided it would be a good day to have a walk along the beach and a bit of a fish and then some breakfast (I wasn't going to argue). As I was setting up for tomorrows fishing trip I was experimenting with a new rig and remembered a great knot for attaching lures which I thought I would share with my readers.

The loop knot or "anglers loop" is one of the most popular methods of attaching a lure to a monofilament or fluorocarbon leader. It is extremely popular because it allows the lure to swing freely which means the lure can swim with a more natural action. A lure with a quality action often leads to more bites and more fish!

How to tie a loop knot
The loop knot is quite simple to tie with a bit of practice and is absolutely essential if you are an avid user of lures. It is a sufficiently strong knot and can be tied in both light and heavy line strengths. This instructional video shows the process very clearly.

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Salmon Sushi Roll - Fish Recipe

Before I start explaining this one I must admit that I am not a great fan of sushi. I love fish, but just can't stomach it sushi style. Fortunately you can use smoked salmon with this recipe and I have had no trouble with it. I can highly recommend it to all the sushi wary people out there!

This is one of the simplest salmon roll sushi recipes out there and even I made it for my wife to test it before posting it. You will need some sticky rice (cook it with 25% more water), salmon (smoked it ok), soy sauce, wasabi, ginger and Saki. It takes virtually no time to make and the longest part of the preperation work is cooking the rice.

How to make Salmon Sushi Roll
Fortunately, for you and me, there is a great video I have found showing the process of making this recipe which is very easy to follow. It is supposedly a romantic dish, but I am not sure why, maybe it just sounds better that way! Enjoy!

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How to Bridle Rig a Live Bait.

Bridle rigging a bait is one of the most popular methods of rigging a live or dead bait. It is a method most often used for trolling for large game fish like marlin and sailfish, but can also be used for live baiting from a drifting or anchored boat.

Bridle Rigging is a popular method of hooking a live bait because the baits can swim naturally and often live for much longer than other rigging methods. As this method requires a needle through the eye socket of the fish it is considered a slightly gruesome method of attaching a bait by some people. This has lead to the common occurrence of hooking the bait through the tough "nose" area in front of the eye.

This technique also works well for rigging skipping dead baits for trolling. This method can be used with any small baitfish, but is generally used on large baits (skipjack tuna) for slow trolling for big fish!

How to Bridle Rig a bait

You will need:
  • A hook (circle hooks are best)
  • A rubber band
  • A bait needle
The following video shows the correct technique

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How to pitch cast with a spinning rod

I love fishing with spinning rods, they are easier to use than any other type of reel and great for beginners. Lets face it not everyone enjoys fishing with a baitcaster and even though a spinning reel is not quite as accurate with some simple tips you can make it work for you.

Many anglers believe that accurate pitching (or pitch casting) can only be achieved with a good quality baitcaster. However, this is not the case and there are a couple of very successful anglers with killer pitching techniques for spinning reels. Pitch casting is very useful for fishing in close quarters especially when there is cover overhead or to the side of where you are casting from or casting to (such as casting under a dock or a tree). It is also a useful method of casting in the shallows when you do not wish to spook the fish.

How to pitch cast
The technique for pitch casting with a spinning rod is not difficult, but does require a bit of practice. Set up a target in the backyard or local park about 20 feet away and practice casting to it.
The following video shows a very popular, and effective, pitch casting technique.

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The Dropper Loop - Fishing Knots and Rigs

The dropper loop is probably my most used fishing knot (I suppose it is more that a loop than a knot). Before I head out on the water I have usually tied at least ten of these loops. The dropper loop is used above a sinker to attach a hook and this type of rig is perfect for bottom fishing. Where I come from this is called the paternoster rig and is widely accepted as one of the best reef fishing rigs available.

The dropper loop knot is fairly easy to tie after a bit of practice. I personally prefer to tie a twisted dropper loop as I find that the loops don't tangle with the main line as easily as the hooks sit away from the leader. This loop works well in both monofilament and fluorocarbon leader materials.

How to tie a dropper loop
The first video shows a regular dropper loop and the second demonstrates a twisted dropper loop. I would advice to test both loops out and see which works best for you.

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Fishing Blog Update

Hi everyone

I must apologize for the lack of updates this week as I have been helping the old man paint his house. Regular updates are scheduled for next week so stay tuned.

I took a day off painting for a fish today and had a great day fishing with my wife.

Thanks for your patience

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Blood Knot - Fishing Knots

The blood knot is probably the most famous fishing knot and is also called the clinch knot in various parts of the world. It is probably one of the first knots most anglers learn and some people may even remember their grandpa teaching it to them like I do.

The blood knot is popular as it is easy to tie, can be used in many different types of line and is sufficiently strong for most fishing situations. It can also be tied in the dark making it quite popular amongst night anglers.

This knot also comes in a couple of improved forms, which I have posted instructions to before, including the:
Despite the fact that many people eventually graduate to more advanced knots the blood knot is an important knot to have in your knot tying arsenal.

How to tie a blood knot

This is a great little animated video showing the process of correctly tying a blood knot. Remember to lubricate the line before tightening.

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King Salmon fishing video

The king salmon is a pacific ocean salmon that comes under many other names including chinook salmon, black salmon, tyee salmon, just to name a few. They have a large growth potential and can reach the up to 1.5 meters (58 inches) and 130 pounds (59kg), but most anglers encounter fish up to 50 pounds. King salmon have the strange distinction of dying after breeding, which was highlighted in an episode of Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe.

King salmon are a popular angling target as they fight well and large fish are often encountered. They are also regarded as a top eating fish and the flesh is high in omega 3 which is an essential fatty acid linked with many health benefits. You should always check your local regulations as some Chinook salmon populations are listed as endangered.

One of the best places to catch big King Salmon is Alaska, which has quite a large population of these great fish. Many anglers dream of an Alaska Salmon Fishing adventure.

Enjoy this video of a big King Salmon caught in Alaska

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Fish recipe - Salmon Cakes (fish patties)

Salmon cakes (or patties as I call them) is one of my favorite go to recipes when I can't decide what I want for dinner. Salmon is tasty, very good for you and is readily available in most parts of the world. You can also replace the salmon in the dish with other similar fish which maked this a very versatile dish.

The recipe I use for salmon cakes is a Creole recipe that is full of flavor and I found a great video showing the process. The chef in the video also makes his own mayonnaise, which isn't too hard and tastes fantastic. I know what I am having for dinner tonight!

For this recipe you will need:
  • 3 cups of Salmon
  • 1/4 Veg Stock
  • 1/2 Onion
  • Red Bell Pepper
  • Green Bell Pepper
  • Orange Bell Pepper
  • Celery
  • Lemon
  • Sesame Seeds
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Red Pepper Flakes
  • Cayenne Pepper
  • Chilli Pepper
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil
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How to catch marlin

Marlin are arguably the most iconic fish in sportfishing circles. Men have been known to shed a tear after an encounter with one and each fish caught is etched in an anglers memory forever.

There are four species of marlin that make up recreational catches; the blue marlin, black marlin, striped marlin and white marlin. All of the marlin species fight extremely hard and the two bigger species (blue and black marlin) can grow well over 1000 lbs!

Marlin Fishing Techniques

Marlin are an aggressive fish that respond well to teasers and plastic skirted lures trolled across the surface of the water. Most anglers consider the action of the lures on the surface far more important than color. Trolling speed is about 7-10 knots and allows the marlin boats to cover a large area.

Marlin anglers also troll natural baits such as striped tuna, bonito and Spanish mackerel. Sometimes natural baits are used in conjunction with a skirted lure to enhance the trolling action.

Marlin are also caught on live baits; either slow trolled, at drift or at anchor. Live baiting usually takes place once the marlin are located with teasers or at an area that marlin are known to frequent such as a FAD.

Marlin Tackle

Marlin are big fish and require quality rods and reels and a lever drag reel is almost essential. Most marlin anglers use a minimum of 24 kg line and 200 lbs monofilament or fluorocarbon leader. Remember that marlin will make light work of any flaw in your tackle, line or knots.
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Figure Eight Knot - Fishing Knots (with video)

The figure eight knot is one of the easiest fishing knots to tie and can be used for terminal tackle or as a very good stopper knot. It is generally used at night and in low light conditions because it is very easy to tie. It is sufficiently strong for some situations, but is certainly one of the weaker connection knots used today. A popular way to strengthen the knot is to double the line to tie this knot. However, this knot is still not recommended for tackling big fish.

This is also a popular rock climbing/boating knot that provides a strong connection and can be tied in a matter of seconds.

How to tie a figure eight knot

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Friday Fishing Report #2

This post took quite a while to come together as I have unfortunately had one of those weekends. A stomach bug and a blocked drainage system have kept me very busy.

I managed to get out for a fish on Friday as planned and took a couple of visitors out fishing with my old man who also had the day off. We hit the water fairly early and lost a couple of big fish (with big teeth) within about 10 minutes of anchoring on one of our favorite wrecks. With only a slow stream of little fish coming over the side and the wind picking up we moved to a sheltered reef where I managed to land a couple of nice fish. The wind was really picking up by then and the visitors had to be on the road so we called it a day. Unfortunately our boat ramp is quite exposed and we had a really difficult time retrieving the boat and my poor weekend started there.

Got a good fishing story? Please leave a comment.
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200th Post

I really cannot believe that this is already my 200th post. Since I have started posting daily (well almost daily) the time has really flown. The most popular posts since this blog went live are:
I celebrated this milestone with a bit of fishing early this morning with my wife and Dad. We had a fun little session off the local rock wall and as luck would have it I caught two of the biggest fish I have ever encountered off the rocks.

Tomorrow Dad and I are playing tour guide to some visitors and will spend the morning fishing the harbor from the boat so I am really getting my fishing fix this week.

Before I finish this post I want to say thanks to all my readers for continuing to visit and keeping me motivated to continue with this blog. 300 here I come!
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How to fillet a fish (with video)

I have been trying to find a really useful and good quality fish filleting video to show my readers for ages now and I had almost given up. This video is not fantastic quality, but is probably the most complete and easy method to fillet a fish that I could find on the Internet.

Like the guy in the video suggests, if you are only going to be cooking the fillets (without skin) there is no reason to go through the less desirable processes of scaling, gutting or removing the gills. This makes this method much less icky for people who are new to filleting or are simply a little squeamish.

All you will need to this method is some newspaper to keep the bench clean, a clean plate and a sharp (it must be sharp) filleting knife. If your filleting knife is a blunt and don't know how to sharpen it your local butcher will do it for you (if you ask nicely).

How to fillet a fish

This method can be used for most types of fish.

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Fishing and Finding the Walleye: From the Lake to the Frying Pan

Walleye are some of the most sought after (and tasty) fish in North America. But these fish aren’t the easiest prey in the lake to catch. These elusive guys like to lurk in the dark recesses of murky water so it takes a little knowledge and ingenuity to land these tasty game fish. Here are a few tips to increase your chances of bagging dinner on your next walleye expedition:

  1. Know Your Walleye Facts – It’s trite but true; knowledge is power! Because a walleye’s sight is so well adjusted to turbid water, they can only see in shades of red and green. That little tidbit should tell you that any lure you pick should be one of those two colors.
  1. Talk To The Local Pros – When you go to your local fishing store, ask what lures work best for walleye in your area. There’s no use buying plastic worms if your local quarry only hit spoons and jigs. They’ll also be able to help you with the best fishing knots to use to tie your lures.
  1. Get A Fish Finder – When you’re stalking walleye, you’re stalking something that you can’t see. These fish will be in water with near zero visibility so you need to have a way to locate them with the best fish finders on the market.

If you’re thinking about fishing from the bank, think again. You need to go where the fish are. Don’t worry. You don’t have to mortgage your house to get a new boat. Try looking at some fishing inflatables. These inflatable boats are inexpensive and have enough room for your fish finder and all your other equipment for fishing.

  1. Find A Good Fish Recipe – You plan on eating what you catch right? Make sure you find a good recipe to bring the flavor out of your catch. After all, what’s the point of catching the tastiest fish in North America if you’re just going to drop in a vat of oil?

Fishing can be a blast…when you catch what you’re after. Spend a little time to get to know your prey. Find out where it lives, what it likes to eat and what equipment will increase your chances of making the catch. Once you have your limit of walleye on a stringer you can go home, fire up your favorite walleye recipe and enjoy the spoils of your toils.

About the author:

Born and raised on the south coast of British Columbia, Steve Lyons continues to feel inspired to publish creative and fun articles which seem to match his personality. With offices in Vancouver and Steveston, Lyons Den Publishing has created this article for you to enjoy.

This is a guest post.

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San Diego Jam Knot - (Reverse Clinch Knot)

The San Diego Jam Knot (also called the reverse clinch knot or Heiliger knot) is one of the lesser known fishing knots, but is still a handy knot to have written down or in your memory. As suggested by the name the knot was made popular in San Diego and was, and still is, often used for tuna.

This knot has become quite popular again recently as more and more anglers use braided fishing line. This knot is known to retain up to 95% of the actual breaking strain in braided lines when tied correctly. The other advantages of this knot is that it is quick to tie and can be tied with a variety of different line strengths and materials.

This amazing strength of this knot can be increased by tying with a double to form the commonly called the double San Diego Jam Knot.

How to tie the San Diego Jam Knot

How to tie the Double San Diego Jam Knot

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Fishing Video - Mahi Mahi (dolpfin fish)

Mahi Mahi or dolphin fish are one of the most popular sportfish in the world and on light tackle provide one of the most spectacular fights of any fish. Unfortunately most people encounter these fish on heavy marlin tackle which diminishes their fighting qualities quite a bit. They are a pretty fish that are also spectacular eating. Mahi Mahi often school around FAD (Fish attracting devices) and are often found under floating objects like logs. They are usually taken on marlin type lures, but will take a wide variety of lures and bait.

This is one of the best fishing videos I have found on youtube and there is over 20 minutes of fishing action. Enjoy!

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