


Bass video lessons

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Bass are probably one of, if not the, iconic freshwater sportsfish in the world. I have had heaps of requests for bass lessons or tips. These requests keep pouring in so I had to do something about it. Unfortunately I am not from the US and I have never caught and American bass. Luckily though there is plenty of information on the web and I was able to piece together this little informative post (with videos).

These bass video lessons are presented by Doug Hannon one of the most famous bass fishermen who just so happens to be called the bass professor.

Video 1 - Big Bass Tip
In this video Doug Hannon talks about the secret to catching big bass, that really isn't a secret at all. What he says can easily be related to your fishing.

Video 2 - Big Bass love structure
In this video Doug talks about finding the right structure and fish that are active. There are some fantastic underwater shots to help explain the different types of structure.

Video 3 -
Moon phases and bass
In this video Doug talks about the effects that the moon phases have on big bass and their feeding habits.

I hope you have enjoyed this post. There are many more video lessons available and if you would like to request anything in particular feel free to leave a comment.

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