


Great Pool Party Games For Kids

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There are many pool party games for kids that can be great fun for everyone. Boys and girls will learn how to play together from these events and this is a good thing. All of these activities will learn them very important social skills that they may use in their future.

Everyone is included in all events which will require great teamwork and ingenuity. There are a variety of things that these young people can do without hurting themselves or causing any major damage to the area. Any smart parent could arrange all of these activities on their own and never have to worry about anyone being left out.

Relay races, wet t-shirt contests, watermelon push relays, boat races, rubber duck races and rope pull relays will all be on the menu. When a swimming tank is huge it will be able to accommodate for the small boats that will be used for the "boat races." No one is ever bored or annoyed with any of these great and grand activities.

Before the boat races all of the children are divided into several teams and a small boat is placed at each end. Two people get into the boat and try to make it to the other end before the other team. This will take some time since both teams have to paddle with their hands and cannot use any type of devices.

During a rope pull relay the host will divide everyone up into two groups. Each person stands in the water on opposite sides while holding onto the rope. This is a tug of war race within the water and all players must keep their balance. The losing team will be yanked under the water by the winners. Everyone should have loads of fun from this activity and this sport can be repeated several times during the celebration.

Men in America are all fascinated by a good old fashioned wet shirt show that will show off a pretty woman's chest. Unfortunately for these men this is not the kind of contest that is created for the children. Within this event a parent will take two t-shirts and fully drench them into the swimming tank. These items are then left at both ends of this great watering hole.

All youngsters from each team must place the shirt over their swimsuit and swim from one end of the tank to the other. After each person has finished their swim they must pass the wet t-shirt over to the next person and they will put it on. This is done until the last person makes it back and forth across the swimming tank.

Rubber duck races will always be a part of pool party games for kids. The rubber duck relay may look like a very simple event but these creatures seem to gain more strength while they are wet. Each person uses their nose to push this squeaky bird across the water. The first team to finish the task are the true winners. If time allows this same event can be done with watermelons which are truly heavier while they are within this water. Parents realize that all of these creations will make any party a blast. This is one reason that people prefer to have their children's birthday events at a swim tank.

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