


What happens when bodybuilders diet?

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bodybuilders diet
bodybuilders diet

Bodybuilding studies bodybuilders diet are usually quite difficult to obtain, so it is always good to get the best of them when they occur. This case study was conducted over a single male natural bodybuilder who has dieted down bodybuilding contest diet over perfect bodybuilding diet a period of six bodybuilders diet months from the competition.

The researchers took many steps and we can learn a lot from your report. However bodybuilding contest diet , we must be cautious in drawing too many conclusions , because at the end of the day there was only one subject to study and making bodybuilders diet generalizations from the data of a challenge.

What is the context ?

Preparation for bodybuilding competition bodybuilders diet involves long periods (12 weeks or more) of caloric restriction , in addition to increasing physical activity. However, while previous studies have cataloged the changes in body composition bodybuilders diet during this period, little is known about how they are affected markers bodybuilding contest diet of health and mood .

What the researchers?

The researchers wanted to do a complete profile of  bodybuilders diet young male bodybuilder natural for a period of six months of preparation to competition and a period of 6 months after the competition. So I hired a young (26-27 years), bodybuilders diet male, white , natural, professional bodybuilder to conduct a case study.

The question followed their bodybuilders diet diet and training program throughout the study. From these records, the researchers deduced bodybuilding contest diet macronutrient breakdowns . The researchers also took several steps at different points in time, including :

    Profile of Mood States ( PMS)
    Various cardiovascular measures ( brachial systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure, the speed of the pulse wave and the wave bodybuilders diet velocity of femoral pulse , and calf blood flow to the forearm , cardiac output , stroke volume , the end-diastolic volume , the end-systolic volume and ejection fraction)
    Body composition
    Force (performance, bench press 3M squat and bodybuilding contest diet dead lift )
    Cardiovascular performance ( a cycle ergo meter exercise bodybuilders diet test (to assess Lomax and ventilator threshold )
    Blood parameters , including testosterone , lepton , gremlin , cortisone , insulin, and measures of thyroid function (IE timidity [ T'S] and thyroxine [ T'S ] ) .

As noted above , it was a lot of steps involved ! Therefore , one would expect that there was a large amount of data to be processed , a lot of analysis to be performed and it is almost certain that significant changes in the composition somewhere.
What happened ?
food records

The researchers reported that during the bodybuilding contest diet period of 12 months, about 5 meals consumption recorded for a period of 24 hours at an equal distance of about 4.5 hours apart.

In the six months bodybuilders diet of preparation, meals, before and after training sessions all contain about 50 % of bodybuilding contest diet the total daily intake of carbohydrates. Macronutrient composition in the period of 6 months of preparation was about 36-36-28 % protein fat carbohydrates , 5 days a week and 30-48-22 % protein fat carbohydrates bodybuilders diet , 2 days per week .

Moreover, during the 6 month period , the ratio of macronutrients was modified to reduce the proportion of fat and carbohydrates and constant for the bodybuilding contest diet end of break block 6 months was 46-29-25 % protein bodybuilders diet - carbohydrate fat.

In the recovery period 6 - months , perfect bodybuilding diet the ratio was 25-30/35-40/30-35 % protein macronutrients - carbohydrates into fat . The precise consequences of these bodybuilders diet failures exact macronutrients are not quite clear.

Exercise training program

Fortunately for us, the researchers bodybuilders diet were very careful about recording the exact training exercise carried out by the body . In the 6-month bodybuilding contest diet period of preparation competition , the subject performed :

    4 days of resistance training per week on average , for a total of 5 hours per week ( structured to train each muscle bodybuilders diet group two times per week )
    2 days high intensity interval bodybuilding contest diet training a total of 40 minutes per week,
    A day of low intensity aerobic exercise steady state bodybuilders diet for a total of 30 minutes per week , and
    presented training bodybuilding contest diet sessions last 15-30 minutes. These have increased in frequency once a week for 1-6 weeks to 3-4 times per week during weeks 20-26 weeks.

In the recovery period of six months , bodybuilding contest diet the subject performed :

    4 days of bodybuilders diet resistance training per week on average , for a total of 5 hours per week ( structured to train each muscle group two  bodybuilders diet times per week) , and
    A day of interval training at high intensity for a total of 20 minutes per week.

These results are very interesting , especially in comparison with other observational studies . In Hackett (2012 and see also the review of Chris) , we find that male bodybuilders say :

    5-6 weekdays resistance training
    Without high-intensity interval training
    1-2 sessions per week of low bodybuilders diet intensity cardio in the offseason and moderate
    5 sessions of cardio + mild to moderate in the race competition.

Similarly, in Van dear Poe (2001 and see also the review of Chris) , we find that female bodybuilders in the first part of its report bodybuilders diet on the pre - competition:

    5.0 ± 1.2 days per week of resistance training for the time 6:04 ± 2:24
    5.8 ± 1.1 days per week of moderate low intensity cardiovascular exercise for a total of 5:44 ± 1:50 .

Both studies indicate bodybuilders diet that the general trend for bodybuilders (male and female ) is to achieve about 20% more volume of resistance training that the individual subject, but interval training at high intensity and low bodybuilding contest diet to moderate perfect bodybuilding diet cardio vascular in the period pre-game . If the results presented in this case study are bodybuilders diet affected by these differences, of course , it is impossible to know.

Body composition bodybuilding contest diet

Decrease bodybuilding contest diet in lean body mass to 87.65 84.84 kg during the period of 6 months ( percentage of body fat, while preparing reduced from 8.9 to 3.1% , bodybuilders diet making the total body weight falling 102.85 88.87 kg .

To see if this is a typical bodybuilders diet case study , we compare these results with those of van dear Poe in female bodybuilders who have also reported changes in lean body mass and fat mass in a period of preparation before the competition, even if only bodybuilders diet 12 weeks instead of 6 months.

Interestingly, despite the very different times supply (6 months bodybuilders diet for simple bodybuilder men and 12 weeks in the observational study of female bodybuilders ) , the relative proportions of lean body mass and lost fat are very similar bodybuilders diet (23% against 20% in the loss of lean body mass , IE , athletes are likely to retain about 80% of your muscle gains) . Although different sexes, subjects in both bodybuilding contest diet studies were similar in that they were the natural bodybuilding athletes competitive level.

We can also look at the rate of fat loss , lean and full , both in absolute and relative terms. It is useful to consider both bodybuilding contest diet as male bodybuilder began his perfect bodybuilding diet period of pre - competition about twice the weight of female bodybuilders . The following graph shows the absolute loss of total fat and lean mass in both studies bodybuilders diet and in the group of women bodybuilders :

the male builder loses total mass bodybuilding contest diet of about twice fat and lean women by manufacturers months ( = 1.86 kg of fat, lean = 0.47 and 2.33 kg vs. 0.74 kg = Total = fat , lean = 0 and 22 kg total = 0.96 kg). In the U.S. perfect bodybuilding diet. measures usual, this means that the male bodybuilder lose about 5 pounds each month of the total mass , while women bodybuilders lost about 2 pounds total weight of each month. However, if you look at the measurements, bodybuilders diet we see that they are much more similar .

we can see that the total bodybuilders diet relative rate of loss of body fat , lean and actually slightly higher among women bodybuilders. This may be due to their aggressive time scales (12 weeks vs. 6 months) , may be related to other factors (such perfect bodybuilding diet as a lot of cardio done) could be because it is not entirely bodybuilding contest diet valid for the standardization body weight loss of weight in this situation, or it may be because the case study is not exactly representative bodybuilders diet of the average male bodybuilder.

Anyway , it seems that the bodybuilding contest diet relative rate of loss of tissue is very different between studies , despite the gender difference and the difference in time spent feeding . All very interesting , but very difficult to be definitive on the results due to bodybuilders diet the very small group of subjects in each case.

physical performance bodybuilding contest diet

The researchers bodybuilding contest diet found that despite maintaining lean mass nearly all measures have reduced strength in the preparation period of six months bodybuilders diet as follows: squat 3M (13.8%) , bench press ( a 8.4% ) and dead lift ( 7.0%).

These reductions are bodybuilding contest diet important, but it is interesting to note that the squat was most affected and less dry . This is in agreement with the observations made by strength coaches and commentators that success in the bodybuilders diet dead perfect bodybuilding diet weight does not necessarily seem to need to develop muscle mass as success in the squat.

cardiovascular measures

The researchers observed a bodybuilders diet significant decrease in heart rate during the preparation of the competition from 53 to IBM , with increased cardiac filling time and increased end-diastolic volume and stroke volume bodybuilders diet , but at a rate total cardiac decline due to the sharp reduction in heart rate .

In addition, during the same bodybuilders diet period showed that brachial blood pressure decreased from 132/mmHg to 116/mmHg after 2 months and after 3 months 103/mmHg . Changes in heart rate and blood pressure are shown in the bodybuilders diet table below :

Development of cardiovascular factors

The graphs show that , bodybuilders diet after months 0 , when the competition was held , there was a rapid recovery. This was the time bodybuilding contest diet when increased caloric intake and energy deficit eliminated. The researchers noted that the perfect bodybuilding diet rapid recovery of these variables suggests they were driven by low energy and not low levels of body fat consumption. bodybuilders diet Therefore, this observation could have implications for any system , not just the elite bodybuilders.

blood parameters

The researchers found that the period of six months competition has caused reductions in testosterone levels , increased cortisone levels perfect bodybuilding diet ( possibly indicating increased lipless rather than muscle proteolysis, lean body mass does not decrease much ) a decrease in insulin levels , increased gremlin levels and decreases to reduce the levels of thyroid function (indicated by the levels of T'S and T'S) lepton.

The researchers found that bodybuilders diet the most significant change was the reduction in testosterone levels , which resulted in a decrease below the reference limit for normal levels, even after only three months. They suggested that this bodybuilding contest diet was due to the entry of a male bodybuilder energy deficit of women induced seborrhea equivalent . However, bodybuilders diet they did not explain exactly what this statement implied.

Also, I am not aware of other studies that perfect bodybuilding diet compared groups of bodybuilders that perform different types of training and the use of bodybuilders diet different feeding strategies to bodybuilding contest diet determine if 12-24 weeks of different types of pre- preparation competition may influence the degree of impact energy deficits on hormone levels. It is therefore unclear whether the type of training , the magnitude of the energy gap , the proportion of macronutrients or any other factor had no effect on the results . Moreover, it seems clear that the reduction of bodybuilders diet testosterone and increased cortisone did not prevent the loss of fat mass and lean mass retention .

It is also unclear whether these hormonal bodybuilders diet changes that occur in people with a departure from the different body composition. bodybuilders diet It would be a very interesting ( and fairly easy ) to carry out research , in fact.

Anyway , bodybuilders diet shows perfect bodybuilding diet the evolution of testosterone and cortisone and the reference limits ( upper and lower , if applicable) . Up and down of each hormone are reflected , so that testosterone decreases with increase in cortisone bodybuilders diet and vice versa .

The researchers found that levels bodybuilding contest diet of all hormones , with the exception of gremlin and lepton , returned to baseline levels of pre - prepared after 3 months of recovery . In addition to hormonal changes , researchers have noted bodybuilders diet that during the preparation of 6 months, there has been a reduction in the number of red blood cells and thematic count, which was subsequently increased during the recovery period of six months.

That they conclude ?

The researchers concluded that all levels bodybuilders diet of heart rate, body fat percentage and change significantly from the hormone over a period of 6 months bodybuilding competition preparation.

The researchers concluded that the changes observed during the period of preparation for the competition were what you would expect perfect bodybuilding diet bodybuilders diet from a restricted period of sustainable energy. They also concluded that during the recovery period, thermodynamic and blood recovered quickly , while the composition and strength bodybuilders diet of the body is recovered more slowly.

What are the limits ?

The study bodybuilders diet was perfect bodybuilding diet limited because it was structured as a case study . In addition, it was not possible on the basis of this study , bodybuilders diet if the general approach used by the subject to achieve bodybuilding contest diet the level of conditioning required for this level of bodybuilding competition lead to different changes in key variables any other approach .

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