


Why I Decided to Transform

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muscle men bodybuilders After a cruise with friends and look at pictures , male bodybuilding I realized my weight was out of control and that something had to be done. I challenge myself to lose weight and I started my journey in December 2010

I had knee surgery seven years  ago and used the muscle men bodybuilders excuse as a crutch male bodybuilding . I never cared about fitness before . My irresponsible male bodybuilding diet and lack of physical exercise have male bodybuilder wrestling contributed to a waist more depression and more in the way I looked . I grew up dreaming apparently my favorite hero, but always made excuses why I could not reach ..

I know first hand that being overweight makes you physically, mentally and emotionally. I know how he feels unable to tie his shoes muscle men bodybuilders without holding your breath or male bodybuilding be told that you have to sit in a special seat on a roller coaster.male bodybuilder wrestling

In December 2010, we deployed as a male bodybuilding member of the Georgia Air National Guard. My wife and I discovered we were muscle men bodybuilders expecting our first child, a daughter. Anyone who has deployed military can say that this is when most people decide to male bodybuilding lose a few pounds and hitting the gym . I 'ave done it before and won everything when I was back in America, but this time it was male bodybuilder wrestling different. My daughter was at the forefront of my mind and gave me a hard look at myself. He weighed 240 pounds and up the stairs tired . Several colleagues make jokes about my waistline expanding.

My life is very different now, male bodybuilding but I 'm still adjusting to the new me. muscle men bodybuilders I always find myself looking male bodybuilder wrestling for the wrong size when I shop and male bodybuilding I always double takes in the mirror.
How did I achieve my goals

male bodybuilding I tried to dress and hide my weight. I began to feel like my beautiful wife, who has always been in good shape, I was on a completely different planet. I felt as if we were a stereotypical sitcom couple, skinny woman / muscle men bodybuilders or fat . I felt ashamed . It was one thing in my life, I had more control. male bodybuilder wrestling I decided this deployment would be the beginning of a new life . My daughter will never know her daddy to be so out of shape that I could not play with it, or worse, be there for her .

Single at 26 , I set a goal to lose 100 pounds between my return from the Bahamas in November 2011 and the next trip in March 2012 .  I had four months to reach my goal. I started walking 45 minutes a day until I run all the time male bodybuilding.

I started a diet rich in protein and low in carbohydrates. Fish and chicken combined with fruits and vegetables have become my best friends in the process. Coming from a Latino family , changes in food have been extremely muscle men bodybuilders difficult to maintain male bodybuilding, but I was determined . Going to eat rice and beans with fried chicken and fried plantains on a daily basis for the roast chicken and broccoli was very hard. I kept all the candy and soft drinks , which are my two favorites. I remember eating 10 mini chocolate bars for a day's work .

Bodybuilding has quickly become my hobby. When I came home from deployment, I lost 25 pounds. This is usually when muscle men bodybuilders everyone goes back to the old habits and weight of packaging . Fortunately, I was inspired . My wife ,  INNA, male bodybuilding (after our beautiful daughter Alana ) also decided to strengthen their physical condition. She became my biggest supporter and I could not have done it without her . She told me about a day of strict diet and encouraged me when I hit the target . male bodybuilder wrestling It has completely changed the way we cook meals and search the Internet for healthy versions of the foods we love . She knew how much I wanted to change and underwent its transformation into a lean machine. If there was a day when I male bodybuilding wanted to go to the gym or to blow my diet, muscle men bodybuilders she was there to push . Now , we inspire each other and love to share the passion together.

I do not completely eliminate male bodybuilding carbohydrates, because they are an important source of energy. I used the " little rule . " Whether originally white , I removed it from my diet . These foods are made of rice, pasta , bread, muscle men bodybuilders cookies and male bodybuilding tortillas. For carbohydrates , eat vegetables, fruits and whole grains . When I ate, I ordered a salad completely dry . I'm out of ketchup and mayonnaise . Completely eliminate sodas, juices, and all that was not water.

I like to inspire and motivate muscle men bodybuilders people to change their lives. I remember how I wanted to change , but I needed someone to show me the male bodybuilding way. It is incredibly rewarding to give back. I encourage everyone to carpool . You never know what will inspire greatness.

It was a big change. I am at the beginning male bodybuilding of a long way to create the most anesthetic body as possible . I wanted to look like muscle men bodybuilders the guy I saw on stage, in forums and magazines. Now I just want to be the best me I can be. male bodybuilding
How did I achieve my goals

When male bodybuilding I started working , I tried to throw as much as possible heavy and was injured. My diet was inconsistent , but I dropped pounds and assumed that cutting calories drastically and optimal training was crazy. muscle men bodybuilders I trained this way for a year and reached a plateau around 200 pounds. I was frustrated , sore and tired of not eating what I wanted. I was motivated to cut bodybuilding myths and get to the male bodybuilding science behind the training, nutrition and supplementation.

During my research, I found male bodybuilding Otis Hollywood. I liked his approach and I could see he was a man who knew what he was talking about and get the best of me. I got decent results on my own, but I'm curious to see what a coach can do for me. During your training, you fix my broken metabolism and I started to see changes to a new level . I started to use their power / hypertrophy routine -split and still enjoy a release today. male bodybuilding I lifted heavy weights, but had days " bodybuilder ", where I focused on the time under tension in a range of senior representatives .

I also changed my approach to male bodybuilding nutrition. male bodybuilding Flexible diet (if it fits your macros) allowed me to eat food fun male bodybuilder wrestling with chicken breast, oatmeal and vegetables. It has saved my sanity and changed the way I looked at food. It made WWE feel normal again .

Having a male bodybuilding coach has taken the guesswork out of my diet and training , and added pressure on the week I had to take muscle men bodybuilders pictures and send it in. It kept me honest and gave me a great resource. Teammates found impressive and inspiring male bodybuilding Hollywood team , also known as the militia of Hollywood. I would recommend a car for those who want to move to the next step.

I allowed myself one cheat meal per week . male bodybuilding When I went to dinner with friends , I ate what I wanted , male bodybuilding but stuck to water as my drink.

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