


A few exercises to get you going

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Thank you SO much for taking my survey on which 2 areas you would like to target first!! I appreciate your time and support!! 87% would like to target abs, 75% would like to target arms, 25% would like to target legs and 12% would like to target chest! Below are a few workouts I plan to use this week that touch each area, and are fun to throw together to make your own circuit training routine!!

Adding weights, even light weights, is good for you (start with 2 pound dumbbells, or a small soup cans if you don't have weights). Using weights can help you improve your posture when you use them with exercises which use your core to stabalize and balance. Some of the exercises may seem simple, but when you hold a 8 pound dumbbell in each hand and do a set of 10, bent-over reverse fly - believe me, you feel the burn! ~~If you don't have dumbbells, use large, or small soup cans, buy 2 gallons of water from a store (remember, 1 gallon = 8 pounds), or wash and reuse your gallon of milk. If you aren't comfortable using weights, still do the exercise. Working and stimulating your muscles is better than not doing anything!!~~

In any workout routine, it is best to give yourself time! Push yourself, yes - but not to the point where you get hurt and cannot work out the next day. Give yourself at least 6-8 weeks to see a noticable difference (though it is possible see results sooner, your results depend on you!). The greatest, and easiest things I suggest is always squeeze your glutes and maintain good posture; walk on your toes (like your wearing stillettoes ;0) and do the model walk everywhere you go (walk with one foot directly in front of the other, while maintaining posture and squeezing your glutes - this will also give you a little bit of a sass in your step ;0). Mostly, don't beat yourself up!! Give yourself credit for effort and push yourself more each day.

Getting into a routine will be easier if you make a workout schedule, and set a timer each workout. I recommend 30 - 45 minutes, get at least 20 - 30 minutes to see results within 6 - 8 weeks. If you have a difficult time making it to 20 minutes, start with 15 minutes and build up to 30 - 45 minutes. Write down your workouts you would like to do each day. Don't forget to stagger in your 2 - 3 rest days. How important is this to you?! If it's easier for you to stay focused with a friend, make that call!! Don't give up on you!! There is no doubt you can reach all your goals!! Once you get into the routine of working out, it may surprise you that you may end up craving your next workout!

Remember before and after any routine keep water handy and stretch!! Breathe!! Warm up and cool down. Push yourself through the burn, but stop if it hurts!! Squeeze your glutes and maintain good posture!! Visualize your goal and if you can, always tell yourself "just one more!"!!!!

**Exercises to alternate through week. Choose the exercises that you like most. Mix it up! I suggest do 3 sets of 8 reps each, or 2 sets of 10 reps each. Remember your 2 - 3 rest days to alternate between workout days!**

Plank to pushup (hold at least 5 seconds each rep)
Hip extension
Incline pushup (use the side of the bed, or couch if you don't have a bench)
Plank with alternate arm reach (may use dumbbells)
Standing alternating lateral raise (may use dumbbells)
Jump squat
Bent over reverse fly (may use dumbbells)
Standing alternating overhead press (may use dumbbells or barbell)
Deadlift with dumbbells (may use barbell)
Single leg, single arm deadlift with dumbbells
Squat thrust
Side plank
Push up position row (may use dumbbells)
Lateral raise with external rotation (may use dumbbells)

For more workout ideas to put on your weekly workout schedule, check out these awesome links:

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