


Beginning with the basics

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Starting a new work out routine can be challenging, but it can also be fun. I look for opportunities to work out all the time. Over the weekend I took my 20 pound chest weight with me and went out hiking. After I got home I did pullups, situps, jumping jacks, hip thrusts, weighted twists and bridge. The fun part is when you take your favorite exercises and add weights!! I love a good challenge, and when I add my 10 pound medicine ball to my situps it works up more of a sweat and gets my heart rate pumping!

Right now I am working on getting pictures to put up for each exercise. If you are having a hard time figuring out which exercise to do, my suggestion is do some of the basic exercises that you know ~ examples: pushups, crunches, mule kicks, situps ~. Cardio is always good for you! I make an effort to do at least 20 to 30 minutes of cardio every day - whether it's my elliptical, running, jump rope, riding a bike, find something you like to do for cardio. I like to mix things up. Usually I do my cardio early in the morning before my kids wake up, and do my work out routine later in the day when they are busy playing their games, or working on school work. Anytime I do dishes, or cook meals you will find me doing calf raises, hip extensions, squats or standing triceps extensions with my 10 pound medicine ball.

This week, my focus is abs and arms. Here are the workouts I plan to mix and rotate between Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday (Pictures coming soon. You Tube usually has step by step guides to workouts :

Abs ~  Crunch Twist, Reverse Crunch, Scissor Cycle, Sidewinder, Bicycles. I usually do 2 to 3 sets of 30, and I use my medicine ball for a challenge.
** Do at least 2 sets of 15. **

Arms ~ Hammer Curl, Lying Overhead Dumbbell Press; Alternating Dumbbell Curls; Triceps Extensions; Triceps Kickback; Rotating French Press. I usually do 2 to 3 sets of 20 using my 10 & 15 pound dumbbells.
** Do at least 2 sets of 8. **
~~ If you don't have dumbbells or a medicine, improvise with large soup cans, or rinse out your empty gallon of milk and fill it with water. 1 gallon = 8 pounds ~~

Remember, stretch before and after your workout. Breathe while stretching and doing your exercises! Keep water handy! Don't overdo it!! If you get tired, jog in place, or do jumping jacks between workout moves to keep your heart rate up. Squeeze your glutes a much as possible and maintain good posture. Do your best, and take it one day at a time. You've got this!!

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