


Intense Ab Workout

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20 Crunches (10 pound medicine ball, or dumbbell optional)
20 Mountain climbers
20 Leg raises (each leg)
20 Double reverse crunches
20 Situps (10 pound medicine ball, dumbbell optional)
30-second plank
20 Bicycles
20 twists (10 pound medicine ball, or dumbbell optional)

**Do at least 5 exercises listed above in your circuit. Do your best to not break between exercises, and if you do keep it to 30 seconds max. I suggest doing at least 2 sets of each, especially if you are choosing 5 of the 8 exercises. You choose what feels best for you. Always warm up before your workout for better results and endurance (do a few jumping jacks, squats, jump rope in place, and lunge walk with rotation and overhead reach). Keep water handy. Breathe!! Squeeze your glutes and maintain good posture with your workout. Cool down and stretch when your workout is complete. Take it one day at a time! Give your best and push yourself, just don't hurt yourself. You can do this!!!!**

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