


My goal progress!!

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In two weeks time I have lost 5 pounds and 8 inches!!!! 2 inches in my chest, 1 inch in my waist, hips, and each leg and arm!!

Each week I like to write down my goals and hang them next to my favorite lingerie and swimsuit models (I am a very visual person, and these both help me stay focused). A couple goals I set for myself one week is to lose 2 inches and to lose 2 pounds. I measure and weigh myself at the beginning of each week. Also, I like to challenge myself - ex. I add 5 minutes to my cardio, or 2 extra exercises onto my circuit training workout. Another challenge could be to cut out a food that's high in sugar. I don't suggest to cut out all your sweets, though you will see faster results the more sweets you cut out. I think it's better to have 1/2 of your favorite candy bar and save the rest for another day. With most things in life, it's more about quantity. Portion your servings; have self-control. My favorite sweets are dried apricots, red seedless grapes, strawberries, dark chocolate Silk Almond Milk, apple slices with 1 tablespoon Nutella, Greek yogurt with granola, a couple pieces of a Bit O' Honey or a couple squares of a Symphony toffee bar. Yes, the list goes on, but it gives you an idea of what I reach for when my sweet tooth strikes.

Watching calories is so important! In order to lose weight we need to burn more calories than we consume. I was never much of a calorie counter until my girlfriends kept telling me about . I thought what the heck, and gave it a shot and I love it!! You type what you would like to lose, your current weight and a few more questions, and it takes the thinking and counting out for you. I was surprised a couple times when it told me to eat more. Last thing we want to do is starve our bodies, this just slows down metabolism and the body begins to store food. I want strong, lean muscles, not to just look good with clothes on. A protein supplement is a great idea for building muscle. It's difficult to get the high amount of protein the body needs to promote healthy, lean, strong muscle development. Protein shakes provide your body with fast-absorbing protein and amino acids to help your muscles repair and grow. I've tried several protein shakes, and my favorite so far is Melaleuca's Attain nutritional shake with crave blocker, which helps reduce hunger cravings and supports healthy weight loss. I like to add a banana to my shake, and I use almond milk rather than water or regular milk. Remember to still eat food even when you supplement your diet. Having a shake for breakfast and lunch will cut out a lot of calories, but it will also cut on your energy lever, and you will most likely be more hungry than usual - take snacks like grapes, apples, mixed nuts, celery sticks with peanut butter or string cheese. On your days of rest, my suggestion is to watch your carbs! I don't eat any extra sugar on my rest days. Using a probiotic to aid in digestion may also help. You can also add fish oil capsules containing omega-3 fatty acids to your diet to help burn fat for fuel and it also helps reduce inflammation.

Don't give up!! There are days where I have so much going on that I don't feel like working out. It is those days that I tell myself how wonderful I feel after I'm dripping with sweat from completing an intense workout. There's no doubt that it's worth the effort!! Be consistent! Push yourself! Stay focused on your goals, and reach out if you need help to stay on track! You are so worth it!! Believe in yourself and you will accomplish everything you work hard for!!

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