


Before Getting Started

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Stretch!! Since we are on the weekend, perhaps now would be a great time to write down goals for yourself & start stretching! For me, flexibility is so important!! Even if I don't work out one day, I always stretch! It's so relaxing to me, plus it makes you more limber!! When stretching, remember to breathe!!!! Breathing is SO important in exercise! When I inhale, I imagine that breath running through my veins til I feel it in my muscles as they stretch. Do what works best for you, just remember to breathe!! If it hurts, stop!! Reposition yourself until you feel a nice stretch, hold for a count of at least 5, exhale & do another stretch. The more you connect with your body & love & care for it, the more it will love you back & yes, the quicker results you will see!!

Working out with young kids: It may surprise you how much they get out of watching you work out, in time they may get involved. It's neat to catch them doing their own work out! I love it when my kids work out with me!! It makes my heart smile to see them having a great time exercising with Mommy!! Yes, there are times I just want to wake up early for my more intense workouts so I don't have to pause when one of them decides to climb on me like a monkey. Sometimes I will use my youngest for a weight (I'll have him sit on my legs & fly him like an airplane, or sit on each foot & walk around the house - his favorite is when I pick him up & throw him in the air a few times, talk about feel the burn ;0).

Posture is important!! When I catch myself slouching, I squeeze my shoulder blades together as tight as I can, and hold for the count of 10, or I roll my shoulders back 4-6 times (or I do both).... here is another opportunity I take to squeeze my glutes! Having good posture during workouts makes such a big difference in your performance level & noticable results will come sooner in practicing good posture every day!! Once you get into the habit, you will rarely catch yourself slouching.

Count Calories? This really depends on how much you want to put into your weight loss/exercise program that works best for you. Personally, I have never been one for counting calories. An excellent website for helping you keep track of  your calories, fat, carbs, protein is :  This sight is awesome!! They ask your weight (current & goal), height, bday, how active you are & how often you plan to work out, plus how much you would like to lose each week. Then it tells you how many calories, carbs, fat, & protein you need to reach your goals! Very impressive website!!!! You have the option to sign up for their newsletter with meal ideas & health tips! You can enter your foods, create foods that aren't in their system, or quick add calories & it will track it all for you!! Thank you my fitness pal, your website rocks!!

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