


Interesting Facts About Pasta (rajiv tiwari)

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Pastas, one of the tastiest of the Italian creations, are a delicacy world over! A lot of people play around with and localise their pasta recipes to their own region. Besides being such a tasty dish, pasta had a very rich background. Knowing its heritage and history makes pasta even more interesting. Next time you're trying out pizza recipes for your family, remember how much pasta must have been experimented over the ages and create your very own recipes.

- People knew how to make pasta all the way back in fourth century BC - an Etruscan tomb has images of the natives cooking it.

- People used pasta recipes for thousands of years before even thinking to use tomato sauce.

- One of the best qualities used for a recipe of pasta is Durum wheat which is grown in North Dakota.

- Fettuccine in Italian means Ribbons.

- Singaporeans too have authentic pasta recipes, their noodles are known as 'meat'.

- If you are learning how to cook pasta in different ways, you should know that there are over 600 different pasta shapes in the world.

- The recipe of pasta from scratch is very easy. To make your own pasta you just need two cups of flour and ? cup of water! After mixing, you do need to allow the dough to just sit for 20 minutes though. It allows the flour to absorb the water thoroughly.

- There are two kinds of pasta that you can use for your pasta recipes. Dried pasta, made from eggs, lasts for up to two years, whereas fresh pasta can be refrigerated for a few days.

- In the 13th century, the Pope actually used to set the standards of the pasta used by the people.

- If you've cooked more spaghetti than the recipe of pasta recommends then you can fry the extra noodles.

- Pasta originates from Paste in Italian, where they were talking about the mixture of the flour and the water.

- Thomas Jefferson brought the first macaroni machine to the USA after he came back from being the ambassador to France.

If you know how to make pasta than you know how to make a healthy meal that provides you with energy. Besides having several nutritional properties, pasta recipes are yummy dishes that can be enjoyed at any time. Go ahead, try out a recipe of pasta and see for yourself!

Rajiv Tiwari is an out and out gourmet whose love of food has made him travel to all top food destinations. In this bouquet of articles Rajiv discusses some quick tips on food recipes, and shows us how you can make people enchanted with lipsmacking food recipes. pasta recipes, recipe of pasta

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