


Having a b-day party for my kitty. any good tuna recipes out there that are cat-friendly?

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i know it's a lil crazy, but whatever.............Having a b-day party for my kitty. any good tuna recipes out there that are cat-friendly?
tuna and salad sandwiches for guests and tuna cake for the b'day catHaving a b-day party for my kitty. any good tuna recipes out there that are cat-friendly?
awww how cute....can i bring my cat to your party?...hehe
tuna right straight from the can : )
u got issues

Can Opener+Canned Tuna... bAm! healthy cat treat.
Actually people food is really bad for your kitty. They don't have the same digestive track we do and can't handle that stuff. Additionally tuna is even worse. Fish, contrary to public opinion is not good for cats. Try chicken flavored wet food. If you are gonna have a party really splurge on kitty. Go out and buy the real chicken wet food for it and put it in a fancy dish. You might also throw some sprigs of nice green grass. Grass helps kitties digest better. Milk in small amounts can be good as well. Mix in some soft treats with the food and voila kitty gourmet meal spectacular!
I like what the girl said about the sandwiches for the guests.....unfortunatly i will be out of town, so izzy %26amp; indie can not attend.....but you can give them a piece of the kitty cake when you some and check on them!! meow~!

i have a party for my dogs birthday every year


how bout tuna juice drizzled over cat food
straight from the can. can my four cats attend?
lol, i have honestly never heard of that before.... that is really cute. and funny.

Mix tuna, a little cat nip, and some of his favorite cat food. Voila! Cat a la mode... lol
Cats are hunters right? You should put some fish in a bucket of water (or if there's an aquarium at your house that will work too) and let your cat go bobbing for fish.
you are not supposed to feed tuna to cats
Pets are not supposed to have people food. It cuts 3 years off of their life. I suggest you buy your kittie some cat treats instead.
Have a really huge dog jump out of the cake for your cat and his/her little cat freinds!!! The dog would love the tuna tasting cats = D
Any sort of ceremony that people appreciate is completely lost on cats. I know from experience with my two furchildren. Just open the can, and put some on a plate for them. Don't let them eat the whole can, it'll make them urpy.

You may want to try searching the internet for ';cat treat recipes'; for healthier alternatives.

IMHO, get them a fresh catnip plant. It's a party for them, and a laugh riot for you.
Monk and Sophie can't wait...they've never been to a birthday party

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