


Killer total body workout

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For this workout you will need a jumprope, medicine ball, dumbbells (or improvise with cans, or use a gallon of water - 1 gallon = 8 pounds), and resistance bands.

Begin with a few stretches.
* Jump rope 85 seconds
The next few exercises are with the medicine ball, really take your time with these exercises. I hold each exercise for the count of 8, and do 15 reps each exercise, but push myself for a few more since I do each exercise once.
~ Criss cross
~ Lunge swing
~ Around the world
~ Twists
* Jump rope 85 seconds (no medicine ball)
These next few exercises are with a set of dumbbells. Remember if you are a beginner, do not use weights and if you do, be sure they are light weights. Don't let momentum cheat you out of your workout, take your time. I do 15 reps of each, but push myself for 20 since I do each exercise once.
~ Power clean press
~ Sumo deadlift
~ Floor fly
~ Good morning
* Jump rope 85 seconds (no dumbbells)
Resistance bands are needed for these next few exercises. Really take your time with these. Remember to maintain good posture and squeeze your glutes. 15 reps each exercise, I push for 20. Do each exercise once.
~ Hip abduction
~ Roll back
~ Side kick
~ Leg raises
~ Bow and arrow
~ Resistance squat
~ Leg lift
~ Triceps extentions
* Jump rope 85 seconds (no resistance bands)
These last few exercises are with dumbbells. I do 15 reps, and push for 20. Do each exercise one time.
~ Upright row
~ Shrug curl
~ Pressing pullover
~ Fly pullover
~ Hammer curl
~ Two-leg calf raises
*Jump rope 85 seconds (no dumbbells)

Now that your body has been completely worked out from head to toe, give it a good stretch! Drink some water. Remember in your workouts, if there is a move you are not comfortable with, do your own move. Stop if it hurts! You don't want to hurt yourself. Until I can get pictures, if there is a move you are unsure of just ask me, or check out the move on YouTube. This is a fun workout that will leave you feeling recharged! Enjoy!!

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